Things you can't do with an iphone

for all the hype and fanfare around the slew of apple products, the reality remains that these are devices designed for a an audience who are much different from indians / desis. It is nothing wrong with the device or the company. its just that it was designed for a different sort of people in mind.
just like the super bikes of the developed world not making much sense in being a commuter for indian public, an iPhone still would not let you do the following.
These are features that are pretty much you will never see in your iPhone.

1. FM radio
Radio is still a popular medium in India. It was at the verge of dying just years back with state monopoly. It is now much mature and competitive with so many private FM channels in the air.
It is no longer the sole means of consuming news and information. It has now become a ad supported medium for film music. Songs = film music. Its such a huge hit with the masses in the last decade as it brought in a replacement to a transistor radio and made it into a personal device.

from the days of villages  having tens of people sitting around a radio to listen to the news we have surely departed. we are of course not in the stage of the radio being a constant companion in the morning chores. TV with mind less comedy and less dressed people took over this role long time ago.
What the last decade of mobile phone have instead given indians is a means to cut them self off from the outside world by drowning in the free songs of FM.

however for the designers of iphone, the success of their music business depends on their phone users not getting access to free musing outside their store. a hardware design constraint may also have contributed to the FM antenna not being there.
So you are never going to listen to FM directly on a iPhone ever.

Alternative do exist. limited to internet apps that stream live radio stations. These however depend on users having a data plan that is both fast enough to stream and allow high data volumes.

2. MP3 Ring tones

3. Connect to computer as storage

4. SD card slots

5. Dual sims

6. one touch dialing


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