Microsoft Word - Pro Tip 1 - Learn how to embed your favorite fonts.

Microsoft Word - Pro Tip 1 - Learn how to embed your favorite fonts.

So, why is it important to learn how to embed a font in Microsoft word?

Just imagine you finished your resume or a great document on your business to a prospective client or you just not a cute little story and sent it to a publisher. And you did all this in Microsoft word, the worlds most famous text editor that is almost synonymous with creating documents.

In what ever scenario you use it, you probably have decided a look and feel for the document you created could be a story in a modern web font to give that top notch feel or a classic font to give the comfort of being immediate approachable. Chances are you chose a particular font to do it.

What use is it if the target audience of your work do not see it as you intended it to be seen. Imagine a resume in comic Sans. Not so great..!

There comes this pro tip to the rescue.

Word has a dead simple way to make sure that people can see it the way you wanted them to see it.

It is controlled at each document level.

Be aware of the fonts you use- both their strengths and their limitations.


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