Your Money matters

Your Money matters

"Lack of money is the root cause of all Evil"  Said my Spiritual Guru - Master Choa kok Sui

Money Matters. It really matters in this world. Most would not dispute that. for most It was a shock when  i heard it for the first time from my spiritual Guru. Now for a someone who was for most part taught and showed images of holy men as one who have raised above wealth and money, i have usually perceived a spiritual guru as Anti-Money person. The one person who would tell me its OK not to run behind money.

He went on to explain a great deal about money and how it is energetically a measure of how well you are living your life. Most of the things i will share with you here comes from the core ideas and beliefs that were blessed by Master Choa kok Sui.


Then i got exposed to the wonderful "Dave Ramsey". He is a personal finance coach and a great one at that. The wonderful difference between him and other talk show hosts is that he does more than just talk.


though Neapolian Hill and Guy Kawasaki were early favorites, they faded away in  the fierce clarity that my current gurus have brought in.



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