This one trick will make you complete more tasks than your to do list.

This one trick will make you complete more tasks than your to do list. To do lists are a fad. It's simple and that's good. It works only in a local context. Meaning next 1 hour of you want 3 things to be done it will greatly help you. If you want 3 things done in a week or even a day the effectiveness is greatly reduced. This is because it by design is simple. There is no context or constraints added in it. It never says why you got to do it or by what time you have to do it. There are several other constraints that's not in the simple to do list. The classic approach to resolving this has been to add a ton of these to the simple to do list making it complex to the point that you can not use it consistently. Now I am not saying ditch your lists altogether. I am just saying don't expect too much from it. Instead try this one simple trick. Schedule every task in your calendar. It's way easier to comprehend. Reorganizing is a breeze. And done tasks are automatically archived. Use a master task list. Like the one Steven covey teaches. That way you have a place for aspirational tasks till they become workable task. Most phones now have this ability built in. You could use a cloud based calendar to keep it all sync.


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