Mom, do u want to buy this pack of whisper??

Mom, do u want to buy this pack of whisper?? The loud clear voice of my 10 yr old son, amidst the bustling crowded super market made me freeze!! The entire super market turned their heads in my direction!! For a second, I wished the earth would swallow me. But I regained my composure quickly. I realized this is the time, this is the moment to acknowledge the fact that my son is growing up. Keeping my voice calm and steady, I replied, " good that u asked me, son. I am buying some toileteries here. I will come by that side after I m done with this." If I would have chided him at that time saying, "shut up son. Thats none of ur business!!" Or "go and have a look at some other section of the super market..", I would have only avoided that topic for that moment. My son too would have guessed that. Most of all I would have lost a golden opportunity to discuss and share an important topic with my son. I came back home and called up my doctor friend. She has a grown up son. She is quite experienced and knowledgeable lady. I sought some tips from her regarding this matter (how and what to put up in front of a 10 yr old). Later on, as per her advice, I spoke to my son, at length, about uterus and menstrual cycle. Lastly I added, "This is the maintenance of mumma's baby bag. If this works smoothly, then mumma's health is fine too. Just see how important this baby bag is!! It kept u safe and secure for all the 9 months. It helped u grow. And thats the reason we were blessed with such a cute and wonderful son like u!!" My son was thrilled to hear this. Later in the evening when his dad came home, he promptly shared our conversation. His dad added to it further, "whenever mumma has her maintenance period on, we must help her as much as we can. We must let her rest, take good care of her. Now onwards, will u help me in this everytime??" My son, who was listening very seriously, nodded. His dad also further told him that in certain families, they practise the tradition of untouchability during maintenance period, BUT WE DO NOT FOLLOW THIS PRACTICE. The next month when I had my menstrual period, my husband had gone abroad for some official work. My son came to me and said, "mumma, you don't worry at all. Even tho dad isn't here, I will take care of u in ur maintenance period. I will make some nice tea for u, bring vegetables from the market, massage your legs.." Tears welled up in my eyes!! I pulled him closer and gave him a big hug, "you have really grown big, my son!!" I think he has learnt to respect the uterus as an important body organ rather than disregard it as a taboo. Like they say... "Start from the boys..."๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


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